Special aspects of translationMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. N 3. p.51-64read article923
The development of interlingual big data and corpora of the Chinese languageMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. N 3. p.44-50read article861
Achieving equivalence and adequacy in translation of phraseological units in the pressMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. N 3. p.31-43read article891
Interpretation and competence factors in translationMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. N 3. p.17-30read article1094
Decisionmaking in translation: acceptability and preferabilityMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. N 3. p.3-16read article1074
The Russian-Chinese Pedagogical Forum. Xi’an, October 21–23, 2018Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. N 4. p.159-164read article857
The International Congress on Cognitive Lin- guistics . Moscow, Lomonosov MSU, October 10–12, 2018Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. N 4. p.172-178read article941
Literary translation as a tool of cultural diplomacyMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. N 4. p.168-171read article961
The 8th International Conference “The Russian Language and Culture in the Mirror of Translation”Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. N 4. p.165-167read article973
Issues of analyzing multiword termsMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. N 4. p.150-158read article932
Categorization of reality in a special world pictureMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. N 4. p.137-149read article915
Vladimir M. Leitchik: the life and scientific path of the philologist, terminologist and specialist in translationMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. N 4. p.124-136read article1123
Term-formation potentials of multilingual mineralogical eponyms in the light of of cognitive term-formationMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. N 4. p.107-123read article903
The theory of terminological sign by Vladimir M. Leitchik and a study of the socio-cultural component of branch terminologiesMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. N 4. p.93-106read article945
The way to Discourse Terminology: celebrating the 90th anniversary of Vladimir M. Leitchik’s birthMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. N 4. p.78-92read article1301