Garbovskiy Nikolay Konstantinovich
Dr. Sc. (Philology), Professor at the Higher School of Translation and Interpreting, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia.
There is such a science: A.V. Fedorov: translation theory is a special disciplineMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2023. 4. p.7-43read more511
Seventy years aft er the first publication of the Russian author Andrei V. Fedorov’s book Introduction to Translation Theory, specifically focused on translation studies, the present article makes an attempt to highlight once again Mr Fedorov’s contribution to laying the foundations for a universal translation theory and to observe, in retrospect, the peripeteia of its naming, the identification of its research field, its subject-matter and issues against the backdrop of various social, ideological and research contexts. Special emphasis is put on the functional concept of translation; the connection between linguistic stylistics and the theory of translation is retraced; an interpretation of different mid-twentieth-century scholars’ outlooks on the correlation between language and thinking, as well as the main categories of translation studies, is proposed
Keywords: A.V. Fedorov, linguistic theory of translation, James Holmes, Brian Harris, Soviet linguistics in the 1950s, translation theory and comparative stylistics, deverbalization, accuracy, adequacy and usefulness of translation
Interpreting within the Framework of New Political and Economic Initiatives: Theory, Practice, DidacticsMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2017. 3. p.6-25read more1346
Now that the vast majority of countries are becoming interdependent both economically and politically and peoples are striving, inter alia, to preserve their national identity, whose main vectors are national languages, ensuring successful communication through translation generates interest among specialists in the field of translation theory and methodology, as well as cross-lingual and cross-cultural communication.
The Russian school of interpreting prides itself on its rich traditions established by researchers in the second half of the 20th century.
Today, interpreting theory and methodology issues are once again in the focus of the attention of international researchers, including those in China.
Thus, we deem it important to analyze the fundamental features of the Russian school of interpreting and its evolution.
Keywords: interpreting theory and methodology, Russian interpreting school, consecutive interpreting
Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Journal Congratulatory MessagesMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. 1. p.3-16read more1046
Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Journal Congratulatory Messages
Translation and SocietyMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. 1. p.17-40read more1628
Any translation, regardless of its form, the circumstances under which it is carried out or the information contained in original texts, is a cognitive activity of an individual that has relevant competencies. A translator generates information and introduces it into a new communicative space. S/he is a communicative mediator able to settle conflicts of mutual misunderstanding arising in the course of interlingual communication.
Throughout centuries, society has used the results of translators’ work for many various purposes. It evaluates translators’ successes and failures, praises them for what it is inclined to see as fine achievements and executes them for what it finds to be unacceptable.
To what extent does modern science take into account the threefold essence of translation? What models are acceptable in a scientific description of translation activities? How do translatology methods correlate with those of other scientific disciplines in today’s transdisciplinary knowledge about translation?
In the present article, the authors provide answers to these and some other questions posed in modern translatology.
Keywords: translation activity and society, communicative mediation, a translator’s cognitive activity, translatology, transdisciplinarity, translation model
The Abstracts of the Papers Published in Vestnik of Moscow State University. Series 22. Translation Theory in 2013–2017Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. 1. p.109-270read more1072
The abstracts of the all papers published in Vestnik of Moscow State University. Series 22. Translation Theory in 2013–2017 are presented.
Keywords: abstract, article, article abstract, vestnik, MSU, translation
The Russian-Chinese Pedagogical Forum. Xi’an, October 21–23, 2018Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. 4. p.159-164read more894
Keywords: Chronicles of Scientifc Life
Russian translation theory: 100 years on (celebrating the centennial of the publication of The Principles of Literary Translation by K. Chukovsky and N. Gumilyov)Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2019. 2. p.36-51read more1209
One hundred years ago, the publishing house World Literature published a concise study guide for beginning literary translators featuring two articles authored by two Russian masters of literary translation — Korney I. Chukovsky and Nikolay S. Gumilyov — The Principles of Literary Translation which laid the foundations for a comprehensive literary translation theory.
The study guide can be regarded as the first theoretical work of its kind in the history of Russia’s translation studies. It absorbed many years of translation practice of the aforementioned masters’ predecessors. Chukovsky and Gumilyov put forward a number of ideas and guidelines that still hold and can be used to develop a modern educational system of training literary translators. In their articles, both authors put emphasis on the linguistic aspect of works of fiction and, consequently, that of translation praxis in the field of literary endeavor.
Keywords: literary translation theory, translating prose, translating poetry, literary translation methodology, translation history, Korney I. Chukovsky, Nikolay S. Gumilyov
Intelligence in translation: artful or artificial?Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2019. 4. p.3-25read more1758
Translation is an art based on science that makes technology develop. The modern age is marked by the transition of mankind to a new stage of development and new challenges that make us reflect on the future of a whole range of different professional activities. Translation is no exception. Translation activity in the digital age is a complex system of heterogeneous interactions within the “man — smart machine (AI)” tandem. This work system can be defined as digital translation. The digital translation that uses digital technology as part of the creative process aims to improve the efficiency of translation art and the quality of translation products. On the one hand, it links up the translator’s art with AI performances and creates a winwin situation; on the other hand, it provokes wariness and suspicion. The emergence of digital translation affects three main areas: 1) cognitive and technological, i.e. all the issues related to possible correlations between translation technologies and digital information and communication technologies in the modern world; 2) social and economic, i.e. all the issues of potential social transformations that may have an impact on translation as a profession in the subsequent 20 years; 3) pedagogical, i.e. all the issues concerning translators’ training for an efficient and smooth operation of today’s digital society.
Keywords: art of translation, Digital Era, artificial intelligence, digital translation
War and communication in the military sphereMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2020. 2. p.42-75read more1192
The 75th anniversary of the Soviet people’s victory in the Great Patriotic War once again brings us back to the events of that time and makes us think again about the impact of the war not only on various aspects of human society, the economy, politics and technology, but also on the human consciousness, man’s language and speech activity.
During any war, the cognitive and communicative system that provides communication in the military sphere is being refined and developed. Inter-language communication and translation take on peculiar forms in the context of a military confrontation between “us” and “them.”
The Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War expanded the range of social functions of the Russian language. It became the language of international cooperation, including that in the military sphere, which gave a major boost to translation activities, as well as the development of translation theory and methodology.
Keywords: cognitive-communicative system, speech genre variation, translation methodology, military discourse, military terminology, military translation
Review of the study guide “Initiation à la traduction juridique — Introduction to legal translation” by Vera Ye. GorshkovaMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2021. 2. p.164-165read more849
Review of the study guide “Initiation à la traduction juridique — Introduction to legal translation” by Vera Ye. Gorshkova.
Keywords: review, translation study
“There can be no such science.” Towards the epistemology of the science of translationMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2022. 4. p.7-24read more607
The article is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the publication of the article by the famous Soviet linguist A.A. Reformatsky “Issues of the Theory of Translation”, which played a signifi cant role in determining the status of the science of translation in the system of Russian humanitarian scientifi c knowledge. The article discusses the concept of A.A. Reformatsky in relation to the theory of translation as a fi eld of scientifi c knowledge, his interpretation of some theoretical issues of translation from the standpoint of linguistics at the beginning of the second half of the 20th century.
Keywords: A.A. Reformatsky, translation theory, linguistic issues of translation
Translation studies: an international dialogue (celebrating the 75th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between China and Russia)Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2024. 3. p.7-12read more101
Keywords: editorial
For the benefit and glory of Russia (from the history of translation in the history of Moscow University)Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2024. 4. p.75-107read more103
Articles and materials devoted to various aspects of the 270-year history of Moscow University contain references to the translation activities of its professors and teachers, students and graduates. However, references alone are not enough to understand the strategies and principles of translation, the nature and reasons for certain translation decisions, the challenges of Moscow University translators of a social, ideological and linguistic nature in different historical periods. Scientific analysis of translation practice in the initial period of the history of Moscow University from its foundation to the beginning of the 19th century not only shows how, thanks to translation, foreign experience was mastered and scientific knowledge was expanded, domestic literature was formed, the Russian language of science was improved, and the scientific and educational system was built, but also gives an idea of how the methodology of translation was developed, how translation strategies reflected not only linguistic, but also social, aesthetic and other factors influencing translation decisions. In the glorious galaxy of those who turned their efforts to the “most praiseworthy cause” of translation in an effort to achieve the patriotic goal of enlightening Russia, one of the key figures is Lomonosov’s student, the first Russian professor at Moscow University, N.N. Popovsky.Keywords: history of translation, Moscow University, the 18th century, N.N. Popovsky, translation activities at Moscow University