ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
En Ru
ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
“There can be no such science.” Towards the epistemology of the science of translation

“There can be no such science.” Towards the epistemology of the science of translation


The article is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the publication of the article by the famous Soviet linguist A.A. Reformatsky “Issues of the Theory of Translation”, which played a signifi cant role in determining the status of the science of translation in the system of Russian humanitarian scientifi c knowledge. The article discusses the concept of A.A. Reformatsky in relation to the theory of translation as a fi eld of scientifi c knowledge, his interpretation of some theoretical issues of translation from the standpoint of linguistics at the beginning of the second half of the 20th century.


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Received: 12/13/2022

Accepted: 01/23/2023

Accepted date: 15.02.2023

Keywords: A.A. Reformatsky, translation theory, linguistic issues of translation

DOI: 10.55959/MSU2074-6636-22-2022-4-7-24

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Issue 4, 2022