Gu Hongfei
A Study of Russian-Chinese Interpretation Based on the Analysis of Discourse CoherenceMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2017. 3. p.50-59read more1037
This article studies strategies of Russian-Chinese interpretation based on the analysis of discourse coherence. The authors note that through studying and comparing the coherence in Russian and Chinese discourses, the degree of deviation between the source language and the target language can be measured. Meanwhile, the efficiency of interpreting can be accurately evaluated. This research attempts to contribute to further studies of interpretation, including theoretical and practical development in this research field, as well as to improve the quality of training programs. Thus, the quality of interpreting can be improved both theoretically and practically.
Keywords: Russian and Chinese discourses, discourse coherence, strategies of interpretation
Comparison of Interpretation Strategies Used by Professional and Non-Professional Interpreters in Interpretation From Chinese into RussianMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. 2. p.22-37read more978
The need for interpreters working with the Russian language in China is constantly growing, so more and more universities launch the course “Interpretation” for senior bachelor and master students. However, if the theory of translation in China is developed well enough, the theory of interpretation, and especially interpretation to/from Russian, is almost undeveloped.
This article describes one of the main issues in the theory of interpretation, namely the using of specific strategies by professional and non-professional interpreters in consecutive interpretation from Chinese into Russian, as well as provides the reader with some methodological recommendations.
Keywords: interpreting, interpretation strategy, the Chinese language, the Russian language, professional and non-professional interpreters
An analysis of Chinese-Russian interpreting based on the intentionality of discourseMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. 4. p.14-22read more984
Intentionality is one of the most important features of discourse e way interpreting conveys the speaker’s intention directly affects the results of communication the intentionality of discourse has shed new light on interpreting research and practice Using the interpreting notes of Chinese President Xi’s speech at the 2016 Hangzhou BRICS Summit as analytical material, the author of this article summarizes various interpreting methods based on different intentions and provides relevant strategies to help interpreters do their job well.
Keywords: intentionality, Chinese-Russian interpreting, expressing intentionality
Research into the feasibility of speech recognition technology to improve the quality of Russian-Chinese consecutive interpretingMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2021. 3. p.90-107read more810
In recent years, unprecedented growth of the demand for language services has brought many conveniences to the interpretation market, interpretation practitioners, interpretation educators, interpretation learners and interpretation customers, optimized the translation mode, improved the translation environment, accelerated translation speed and reduced translation costs. The application of interpreting technology represented by speech recognition technology brings convenience to interpreters and also puts higher requirements on the technical level of interpreters. We have noticed that there is still a large gap in the research into the use of the innovative interpreting technology in the field of Russian-Chinese interpreting. Therefore, this paper explores the feasibility of the technology to improve the quality of Russian-Chinese consecutive interpreting through contrast experiments. It is expected that our research results will be beneficial to the people engaged in interpreting work.
Keywords: Automatic Speech Recognition; cognitive load; quality assessment standards; Russian-Chinese interpretation; application of speech recognition technologies; comparative method; statistical analysis
A study on the influence of discourse situationality on Russian interpreting and interpreting strategiesMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2022. 2. p.59-72read more535
Situationality is one of the seven characteristics of discourse proposed by De Beaugrande and W. Dressler. A great deal of practice shows that situationality plays an important role in influencing the interpreting activity, including the subject and object of the interpreting, listening, comprehension, reorganization and output of the information, etc. A successful translation of a text must seek the closest interpretation to the source text based on the linguistic context in which it was produced. This paper will start with the situationality, argue for the necessity and possibility of using the discourse situationality to analyze Russian-Chinese interpretation, and propose corresponding interpreting strategies through specific case studies in order to improve the quality of Russian-Chinese interpretation, accumulate experience for interpreting training and make certain contributions to the relevant interpretation work.
Keywords: situationality; context; Russian-Chinese interpretating; interpreting strategies