Shmelyov Vladimir V.
Anglicisms in the realm of the French subcultureMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2019. 3. p.105-119read more1075
The articles provides important insights into one the main reasons for the deep penetration of anglicisms into the French language, namely the popularization of the hip-hop subculture. The last quarter of the twentieth century saw a particularly strong influence of the American culture which left a mark on the French vocabulary. The analysis is focused on the particularities of the English loanwords found in the lyrics of some well-known French rap performers. These loanwords are classified on the motivation basis. An attempt is made to determine whether they have any influence upon the linguistic worldview of the French. In conclusion, the studies show that it would be unreasonable to presume that the borrowings have a considerable impact on the French linguistic worldview.
Keywords: culture, subculture, hip-hop, anglicisms, linguistic worldview
Neologization as a way of combating anglicisms in modern FrenchMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2020. 3. p.108-125read more1327
The article focuses on processes of neologization underlying the modern language policy in France. Given the predominant position of English, French, as well as many other languages in the world, is increasingly facing the onslaught of anglicims. In this connection, the Commission for the Enrichment of the French Language and the French Academy along with other competent institutions are attempting to create new terms (neologisms) through the use of various means that the French language can provide in order to replace English loanwords. In spite of the internationally known reverential attitude of France towards its national language, ambiguous and complicated aspects of the neologism process have been revealed. The study of a number of new French terms published in Journal official enabled us to conclude that French neologisms are in many cases unable to compete with anglicisms due to their complicated and intricate forms that make it difficult for the French to learn such words. Nevertheless, regardless of certain failures, it is considered to be necessary to continue this work which serves as a barrier against the ongoing excessive anglicization of French.
Keywords: language policy, loanwords, anglicisms, neologisms, translation, equivalence
On the most dangerous varieties of English-speaking loan translations in modern FrenchMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2022. 1. p.72-91read more601
The article is devoted to one of the most pressing language problems affecting the French language, namely calculus. The classification of cripples and their features is considered. Of special relevance is the question of the most harmful types of cripples that can have a negative impact on the state of the French language. According to linguists, the most destructive types of cripples are, above all, syntactic ones, since they can change the very structure of the language, i. e. its basis. However, over the past decades, their numbers have not increased enough to cause concern; nevertheless, caution should not be lost. No less serious is the question of semantic calculus, the number of examples of which causes some concern in view of the increase in the intensity of the appearance of new examples of their functioning in modern French. Based on the available data, it is concluded that it is necessary to continue the study.
Keywords: translation, calque, borrowing, phraseology, military terminology, anglicization