ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
En Ru
ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
Neologization as a way of combating anglicisms in modern French

Neologization as a way of combating anglicisms in modern French


The article focuses on processes of neologization underlying the modern language policy in France. Given the predominant position of English, French, as well as many other languages in the world, is increasingly facing the onslaught of anglicims. In this connection, the Commission for the Enrichment of the French Language and the French Academy along with other competent institutions are attempting to create new terms (neologisms) through the use of various means that the French language can provide in order to replace English loanwords. In spite of the internationally known reverential attitude of France towards its national language, ambiguous and complicated aspects of the neologism process have been revealed. The study of a number of new French terms published in Journal official enabled us to conclude that French neologisms are in many cases unable to compete with anglicisms due to their complicated and intricate forms that make it difficult for the French to learn such words. Nevertheless, regardless of certain failures, it is considered to be necessary to continue this work which serves as a barrier against the ongoing excessive anglicization of French.


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Keywords: language policy, loanwords, anglicisms, neologisms, translation, equivalence

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Issue 3, 2020