Tatarinov Viktor A.
President of Russian Terminology Society, Russia
Conceptual, theological and terminographical criteria for the selection of terms for theological dictionariesMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2017. 2. p.105-116read more1126
The authors analyze specific criteria for the selection of terms to be included in theological dictionaries. The following criteria are of special importance from the conceptual, theological and terminographical points of view: monoconfessional dictionary; confessional tolerance; conformity and variability of theological interpretation; differentiation of the Holy Scripture’s vocabulary, theological texts’ vocabulary, and general vocabulary; theological collocation of vocabulary. The authors also analyze tendencies in formulating definitions for terms to be included in theological dictionaries.
Keywords: terminology, terminography, theological dictionaries, word-list composing, Slavic languages, German, English
Popular expressions for every case of life: a case study of a dictionary of popular expressions from cartoonsMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2020. 4. p.138-144read more1237
This article is a review of the dictionary of popular expressions from cartoons “Don’t you make laugh my horseshoes” written by Svetlana G. Shulezhkova and her students. The destination of the dictionary, its macrostructure and the entries’ structure are described. The most famous film expressions are analyzed. Various problems of their translation is considered.
Keywords: review, dictionary, popular expressions, translation, Russian language
New trends in presenting and translating abbreviations as a demonstration of a changing mental realityMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2021. 3. p.108-134read more760
Relevance. The abbreviations in Russian and Polish alike are considered on the basis of translation as transmitters of categorical meanings. A number of types of abbreviations are taken into consideration: initial, morphemic (based on the constriction of compound lingual complexes) and discursive graphic abbreviations in general use. Special attention is paid to various peculiarities (including linguocultural one) of Russian and Polish abbreviations. One of the distinctions between Polish and Russian abbreviations is the fact that in the Russian language there are many abbreviations with understandable motivated structures because their elements representing full nominations are morphemic ones. In the Polish language, the main part of abbreviations is made of the first letters of the full nominations. The peculiarities of the use of abbreviations in both languages are explained. It is a noteworthy fact that they are often used in different discourses without decoding. Abbreviations are considered as a complex structured integrative whole. The correlations between abbreviation and its primary full nomination are analyzed. An approach to abbreviations seen from the starting point of mental processes is presented.
Results. The basic results consist in the generalization of an analysis of the development and functioning of contemporary abbreviations in the Russian and Polish languages. It was determined that the creation of abbreviations is conducted by mental exchange of categorical semantic elements of the formations. The aforementioned phenomena are described as semantic lingual universals.
Сonclusion. The products of the creation of abbreviations in each language have different ways of linguo-formal expression. In translating, that leads to the creation of new linguo-mental entities: complex or simplified neoconcepts.
Keywords: abbreviation, derivation, translation, lexical semantics, loanword, history of language, contemporary language, discourse, linguistic categorization, the Russian language, the Polish language