Artemyeva Yulia V.
Associate Professor at the Foreign Languages Department, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia;
The role of language personality in translating realia found in literary works by Ivan TurgenevMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. 4. p.35-45read more1005
The article covers intermediate results of the authors5 research into translator's language personality. The authors compare translations of the samefiction works done by different translators, sometimes observing the dependenceof quality of translation on the gender identification of the translators. However, this fact remains to be scientifically proved. The authors believe that in any case the interpreter is to take into account the intention of the original text; therefore, the presence of realia in the discourse makes it much harder for a translator to perform the main task, i.e. to achieve adequacy in translation. Searching translation methods is connected with the trisd-and-error method. Using the experience of translation and knowledge of extralinguistic factors, it is possible to help translators achieve adequacy in translation.
Keywords: Translator; language personality; language culture; gender identification; authors intention; discourse; the trial-and-error method; extralinguistic factor; realia; adequacy in translation.
The interpretation of Russian realia in translations of works by Fyodor DostoevskyMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2021. 4. p.7-17read more674
The article analyses interpretations of realia in the works by Fyodor Dostoevsky and ways to translate them from Russian into English and German. The authors consider literary translation as a basis for adding new words to a standard language. However, the notions of adequacy and equivalence in translation in this case are not applied to the full, because only interpretations and alternative ways of rendering referents can be used. Thus, every case of realia translation must be analyzed individually.
The authors believe that in any case the translator is to take into account the intention of the original text; therefore, the presence of realia in the discourse significantly complicates the search for a solution to the problem which consists in translating a literary work adequately and fully. The search for translation methods is connected with the trial-and-error method. Using the experience of translation and knowledge of extralinguistic factors makes it possible to achieve adequacy in translation.
Keywords: translator; language personality; language culture; author’s intention; discourse; the trial and error method; an extralinguistic factor; realia; adequacy in translation; completeness; equivalence