Sun Jianfeng
Eco-translatology: a new paradigm of translation studies in ChinaMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2022. 2. p.7-24read more764
The article introduces the emergence and development of Eco-translatology in China, examines its philosophical and theoretical basis, analyzes its applications and trends based on statistical data, covering the development of the eco-paradigm of translation research in China and the System model of Eco-translatology.
Keywords: sight translation, written translation, speech-to-text software, cognitive processes, adequacy, equivalence, pragmatic adaptation
A comparative analysis of translation technology research in China and Russia in the digital ageMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2022. 3. p.7-30read more552
The onset of the digital age has led to the rapid development of translation technology. Nowadays, not only specialists in natural languages but also those in applied translation studies keep a close eye on machine translation research. This article examines research papers on translation technology in the humanities and social studies in Russia and China: based on the papers by Russian and Chinese specialists in translation studies, the author conducts a comparative analysis of the evolution and scientific achievements in this field, reveals their common and unique features. For instance, following current trends, Russian scientists offer a new perspective on the development of translation technology based on the concept of “digital translation” that relies on the introduction of modern technologies, in particular computer-aided translation (CAT). On the other hand, following the idea of a paradigm shift in translation studies, Chinese scientists off er a new scientific approach expressed in the concept of the “technological shift ”. Thus, the fusion of the new approach and a new perspective can contribute to further substantial improvement in translation technologies.Keywords: research on translation technology, technological shift , digital translation, machine translation