Polina I. Sergienko

Translating abbreviations in PR discourseMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2022. 1. p.55-71read more673
The relevance of the paper is determined by the need to examine the features of PR abbreviations translation. At present, with the predominant role of English as the lingua franca, the role of translation is undeniable. Big Data require fast and high-quality translation of professionally-oriented information into many languages. This brings about the necessity to improve the quality of education of translators in the field of professional communication. One of the most popular professions is Public Relations (PR) councillors.
The research material comprises English PR abbreviations, functioning in English press releases. PR abbreviations are constantly updated, causing difficulties for PR abbreviations-neologisms translation.
The objective of the research is to highlight the most important issues related to PR abbreviations translation, as they are of particular difficulties for rendering into other languages due to the lack of PR abbreviations dictionaries.
The methods used to achieve the objective of the article, include the method of continuous sampling; the method of linguistic observation; the method of conceptual analysis; the method of distributive analysis and the method of comparative analysis of English and Russian abbreviations.
Results. The analysis of PR abbreviations translation has demonstrated the absence of universal strategies. PR abbreviations are transmitted into Russian by means of transliteration, calque, barbarisms, as well as hybrid strategies accompanied by interpretation.
Conclusions. The absence of a PR terminological base, as well as the entire conceptual apparatus in this field, requires introducing special algorithms to overcome the difficulties of PR abbreviations translation. The particularities of PR abbreviations translation are revealed. The article makes a certain contribution to the theory of translation.
Keywords: PR abbreviations, translation difficulties, abbreviationshomonyms, translation strategies, worldview
Digital translation of abbreviations in the field of public relationsMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2023. 1. p.80-92read more684
his article focuses on various features of digital translation of public relations (PR) abbreviations in a computer-assisted environment. The relevance of this research is determined by the new digital era. Digitalization of professional activity of specialists in various fields of knowledge leads to the creation of new conditions and revision of approaches to professionally-oriented translation. Digital translation plays a special role in information exchange and its dissemination. The aim of this research is to identify the advantages and disadvantages of using digital tools to meet the needs of PR specialists from the standpoint of linguistics. PR abbreviations functioning in the professional PR discourse are taken as material for analysis. The use of digital translation technologies within PR activities enables the improvement of the quality of information collection and processing, its translation, abstracting and dissemination. PR abbreviations acquire a highly specialized meaning within the target language (TL), demanding a particular algorithm for translation into Russian, which is due to the insufficient PR terminology development, especially in terms of translating abbreviations. To achieve the object in view, the method of continuous sampling, the method of comparative analysis and the method of linguistic description have been used. As a result of the investigation, it has been established that together with digital translation gaining momentum, as it makes it possible to transfer a large amount of information into different languages in a short time, a number of issues remain unresolved and need to be researched.Keywords: digital translation, PR, abbreviation