Liu Jingpeng
Linguistic landscape: research and analysis of translations from Russian into Chinese in major Russian citiesMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2019. 2. p.119-129read more1347
Due to the gradual improvement of friendly relations between Russia and China, the linguistic landscape is becoming increasingly important for those who travel, study or invest in terms of creating a first impression of visiting Russia. However, the quality of translation is different. There are still a relatively large number of errors; mostly these are mixed errors and incorrect spelling. The aim of the article is to analyze and correct some of the errors, as well as to find an optimal method of translation in accordance with the linguistic landscape.
Keywords: inguistic landscape, translation from Russian into Chinese, error analysis, translation method
Linguistic landscape: research development trends in ChinaMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2019. 4. p.119-129read more1518
At the moment, Russia and China witness the best period of their relations, and more and more directions to cooperate emerge in the field of humanitiеs. The linguistic landscape of the Chinese and Russian languages is one of the most important aspects of such cooperation. The present article examines the trends in the development of the linguistic landscape research in the Chinese language from 1987 to 2019. Recently, in China research into the linguistic landscape has been carried out through the use of sociolinguistics and translation techniques. The theoretical basis of the research is rather poor since it lacks innovation and creativity. The issue becomes especially acute when it comes to the linguistic landscape in a twoway ChineseRussian translation. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the results of the linguistic landscape research in China in order to present a new perspective on the linguistic landscape to Russian students, thereby increasing the number of works on this issue for the Russian and Chinese languages.
Keywords: China, research into the linguistic landscape, line of research, development prospects
The past, present and future of machine translation in ChinaMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2020. 3. p.47-59read more1338
Language is the main tool for information exchange since we are in the era of global information. How to effectively use modern methods to break through the language barriers between us has become an important problem for all mankind, and machine translation has become one of the powerful means of automatic translation between different languages. However, due to the extreme complexity of any natural language, machine translation has also become one of the problems of the present-day science and technology. Translation activity in the digital age is a complex system of heterogeneous interactions within the “man — smart machine (AI)” tandem [Garbovsky, Kostikova, 2019: 3]. This article mainly introduces the history and current situation of Chinese machine translation, discusses the difference between machine translation and human translation, and explains how practicing translators and learners should deal with the arrival of the era of artificial intelligence translation and sort out the relationship between the two. Facing the strong competition of artificial intelligence translation, many people are worried about the development and prospects of translation majors in universities and even foreign language majors. Through the research and exploration of the current state of affairs in the field of translation studies in China, this article points out the shortcomings of translation teaching in China. It also predicts the employment field of “future translators” (graduates).
Keywords: Digital Era, machine translation, China, translator
Scientifi c exchanges within the framework of the decade of the “One Belt, One Road” initiativeMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2023. 4. p.189-193read more332
Keywords: Chronicles of Scientific Life, forum, conference, One Belt, One Road
Eighteen years since the first edition of the Lomonosov translation studies journal: retrospective and future opportunitiesMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2024. 4. p.108-120read more91
This article is based on a systematic analysis of the articles published in the “Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 22. Teoriya Perevoda” (Moscow University Gerald. Series 22. Translation Theory) from 2007 to 2024, aiming to explore the developmental trajectory of this journal in the field of translation studies and reveal the evolutionary patterns of its section organization and content characteristics. Through quantitative and qualitative research methods, in conjunction with the historical background and academic trends in Russian and global translation studies, it summarizes the scholarly contributions and features of this journal over seventeen years and puts forward forward-looking suggestions for its future development. The article asserts that the aforementioned journal plays a significant role in advancing research in translation theory and promoting cross-cultural communication. It advocates for enhanced interdisciplinary collaboration and international cooperation to broaden research perspectives, in order to address the new challenges and opportunities in the field of translation studies.Keywords: Moscow University Gerald. Series 22. Translation Th eory; seventeenth anniversary; patterns; characteristics; prospects