Vasina Yekaterina A.
Senior Lecturer at the Higher School of Translation and Interpretation
Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of Chinese public speeches in their connection to the process of simultaneous interpretationMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2019. 2. p.52-65read more950
The article focuses on some distinctive features of public speeches in Chinese in their close connection with and influence on the very process of simultaneous interpretation from Chinese into Russian. Due to the syllabic word structure, unique rhythm, speed and other factors the Chinese language has unprecedented information density and lack of language redundancy, both negatively affecting simultaneous interpretation. The article also gives some practical recommendations on how to make better listening, understanding and interpreting in Chinese and get the old and new information in oral Chinese text.
Keywords: Chinese language, syllable, homonymy, tone, rhythm, language redundancy, information density, simultaneous interpretation
Higher education during epidemic: teaching simultaneous interpretating onlineMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2020. 4. p.3-20read more1459
Keywords: optimization of higher education, distance learning, simultaneous interpretation, professional competence, Chinese language