Pokrovskaya Marina Ye.
Features of anthropology terms translationMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2017. 2. p.117-125read more1061
This article focuses on the translation of anthropology terms, the meanings of which do not coincide in the Russian and English languages despite their sound-graphic similarity. It is applied to such terms as ethnology, ethnography, anthropology and their Russian analogies: антропология, этнология, этнография.
To study the anthropology terms, the authors used a pragmatic approach, according to which terminology is viewed as a system that shapes an academic text. The translation of these terms is determined by their specificity.
Currently, the main research center of Russian ethnology is the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; its name reflects the traditional approach to the interpretation of the terms of this academic discipline, where ethnology embraces a socio-cultural aspect of the study of man, whereas anthropology (a.k.a. physical anthropology in the United States) deals with the biological issues.
Although anthropology is inseparably linked with biology, at the same time, it is closely connected with social sciences as well. From this point of view, anthropology crowns natural sciences.
The result of the research has shown that after establishing discrepancies in the system of concepts expressed in terms of native and foreign languages, the inter-language harmonization of terminology within the framework of comparative terminology is possible.
Keywords: terminology, comparative terminology, translation, interlingual harmonization of terminology
Historical toponyms in terms of translationMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2020. 3. p.92-107read more1325
In historiography, over the centuries under various political circumstances, the same states have been renamed several times; therefore, translating historical names of the countries is not an easy task, since in each specific epoch the toponyms of each country of the source language and the target language must be synchronized. The subject of this research deals with historical toponyms in general and Russian historical toponyms in particular. The purpose of this article is to justify the need to create a database of historical toponyms of the source and target languages for their subsequent analysis, systematization and classification. An interpretive model was adopted as a method of research, which from the methodological point of view is a culturological algorithm of text interpretation, which is used in translation studies. For the first time, historical toponyms have been considered as open systems from temporal and spatial positions. Historical toponyms determine the informational content of historical texts, which makes it possible to determine the epoch of the analyzed events even in the absence of other temporal symbols. Due to it, translators do not only create a stable system of equivalent correspondences of the historical names of the states, but they also study their history with regard to the information data contained in the historical toponyms that were obtained by them from primary sources and academic historical papers. The result of this research is the creation of a system of correspondences of the historical toponyms of various states and their translation into English. This method allows translators to create a system of correspondences for different modern and classical languages; this expands the creative opportunities for historians and permits them to avoid communication mistakes.
Keywords: historical, epoch, reality, political, development, human society, changes, toponyms, translation, interpretation, system