Chen Zhu
Intentional inaccuracies in a literary translation from Russian into Chinese: a case study of the translation of Leo Tolstoy’s Novel “War and Peace” by the Chinese Translator Cao YingMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2021. 1. p.100-118read more1241
An intentional inaccurate translation is understood as a translation in which part of the information is omitted or added based on the principle of equivalence. It is a commonly used strategy in literary translation. Analyzing examples of the use of deliberate inaccurate translation in the translation of Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” by the translator Cao Ying into Chinese, this work summarizes the need to apply this strategy in literary translation, the forms of its manifestation and its influence, opening new ways to overcome the difficulties of literary translation. Reasons why translators choose this strategy — ease of perception by readers, increasing the artistic character of the translation and the influence of the social environment. Depending on the way the translator transforms the information contained in the source text, there are three main forms of transmission of intentional translation inaccuracies: uncertainty of information, explanation of information, and substitution of information. The benefits of deliberate inaccurate translation cannot be analyzed from just one point of view, and it cannot be categorized as “good” or “bad”. Instead, this method should be viewed in a holistic and comprehensive manner: its value must be recognized and at the same time the limitations of this technique cannot be denied. Translation itself is a very subjective process, and there are a great many ways to translate. Each translator adheres in his practice to certain translation methods and succeeds in them. It is the various translated texts, with their inherent uniqueness of the style of the translator who created them, that are the reason for the infinite variety of literary translations.
Keywords: intentional inaccurate translation, literary translation, “War and Peace”
Studying models of training sports translators from the Russian language in Chinese universities on the eve of the Winter Olympic GamesMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2022. 2. p.158-174read more672
With the continuous deepening of relations between the PRC and the Russian Federation, sports exchanges and cooperation between the two countries are becoming more and more active, and China’s demand for sports translators with Russian as their working language is also growing. At the same time, the holding of the 24th Winter Olympic Games imposes new requirements for the training of professional translators in Chinese universities. Currently, the effectiveness of training specialists in this field in higher educational institutions in China leaves much to be desired, which leads to a serious shortage of sports translators from Russian into Chinese. Object: to propose strategies and consider models for training Russian language translators based on market needs. Methods: comparative analysis, generalization, correction and systematization. Findings: the main reasons for this shortage are: lack of a sufficient number of applicants who want to learn Russian; lack of motivation for students to learn Russian; lack of a clearly defined strategy for training specialists in this direction; similarity of educational programs in the specialty “Russian language”; lack of qualified teachers teaching “sports Russian”; lack of new educational materials and textbooks in this area. Conclusions: in order to overcome the above bottlenecks, higher educational institutions of the People’s Republic of China should be aware of the current situation and actively respond to it, namely, to study scientific models for training sports translators from the Russian language, develop rational curricula, form professional teachers, improve student teaching methods, produce new teaching materials and accelerate the training of interdisciplinary specialists who speak Russian well, have sports knowledge, creative thinking and an open worldview. These measures are designed to facilitate the work on the training of Russian language translators in Chinese universities and are designed to facilitate the work on the training of Russian translators in Chinese universities.
Keywords: Olympiad, sports Russian, training of specialists, training programs
Russian-Chinese inaccurate translation from the point of view of the representativeness of translation at the micro levelMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2023. 2. p.43-57read more478
N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” and its Chinese translation are taken as an example for study. The author alternately analyzes translation examples from the point of view of representativeness at the phonetic level, the level of word-formation models, as well as at the grammatical, lexical and syntactic levels, from different points of view investigating the causes of errors in Russian-Chinese translation. Methods: comparative analysis, generalization, correction and systematization. Findings: achieving the representativeness of a translation at the microlevel does not affect its representativeness at the macrolevel, but errors in translations that have not reached representativeness at the macrolevel can manifest themselves at any of the microlevels. Conclusions: in their professional practice, translators should strive for representativeness of translation not only at the macrolevel, but also make every effort to achieve representativeness at the microlevels described above. This will allow them to carry out the translation closest to the source text and reproduce as accurately as possible the ideological content that the author of the source text wanted to convey to the reader.
Keywords: inaccurate translation, representativeness, S.V. Tyulenev, microlevel, “War and peace”