ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
En Ru
ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
Russian-Chinese inaccurate translation from the point of view of the representativeness of translation at the micro level

Russian-Chinese inaccurate translation from the point of view of the representativeness of translation at the micro level


N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” and its Chinese translation are taken as an example for study. The author alternately analyzes translation examples from the point of view of representativeness at the phonetic level, the level of word-formation models, as well as at the grammatical, lexical and syntactic levels, from different points of view investigating the causes of errors in Russian-Chinese translation. Methods: comparative analysis, generalization, correction and systematization. Findings: achieving the representativeness of a translation at the microlevel does not affect its representativeness at the macrolevel, but errors in translations that have not reached representativeness at the macrolevel can manifest themselves at any of the microlevels. Conclusions: in their professional practice, translators should strive for representativeness of translation not only at the macrolevel, but also make every effort to achieve representativeness at the microlevels described above. This will allow them to carry out the translation closest to the source text and reproduce as accurately as possible the ideological content that the author of the source text wanted to convey to the reader.


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Received: 03/26/2023

Accepted: 09/25/2023

Accepted date: 29.09.2023

Keywords: inaccurate translation, representativeness, S.V. Tyulenev, microlevel, “War and peace”

DOI: 10.55959/MSU2074-6636-22-2023-16-2-43-57

Available in the on-line version with: 10.10.2023

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Issue 2, 2023