Ebrahimsharif Shler
An analysis of interlingual transformations that occur in translating punctuation marks in literary texts from Russian into PersianMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2021. 1. p.3-16read more839
Translation is impossible without cross-language transformations. All punctuation marks have a specific plane of content and expression and act as a system of units that play an important role in an adequate presentation of information. Both Russian and Persian authors use the same punctuation marks that, however, have different semantic functions. In Russian, in contrast to Persian, punctuation has a more strict, clear structure, and due to its synthetic structure, punctuation marks carry more meaning than in Persian. In this paper, based on the comparative method and translation methods, we will focus on the most frequent cases of using dashes and semicolons in the Russian language, since their use in translating literary texts into Persian is difficult in terms of interpretation and high transformation, which explains the significance of this paper. The results of our study can be used to develop a correct method of teaching punctuation during lessons in Russian as a foreign language as well as in practical translation.Keywords: translation, transformation, punctuation marks, the Russian language, the Persian language
Methods of compensation when translating poems from Persian into Russian: a case study of “Gulistan” by Saadi Shirazi astranslatedbyR.AliyevandA.StarostinMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2022. 2. p.97-113read more722
Any translation and especially that of poems from one language into another is accompanied by compensation, since the presence of rhyme, meter, figures of speech and emotional tension is inherent in the poem, and the transfer of all these poetic elements is impossible from the source language into the translating language. This article, relying on the comparative method and translation methods, examines the ways of compensation used in the Russian translation of Saadi Shirazi’s “Gulistan” by R. Aliyev and A. Starostin. The goal is to identify the positions and levels in the poem, where elements of poetic speech are lost, and also to identify the techniques and methods used to compensate for the loss of these elements. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the classification of positions of loss of meaning and poetic elements when translating poems from Persian into Russian, in particular “Gulistan” by Saadi Shirazi, made by R. Aliyev and A. Starostin, and in the study of methods of their compensation. As a result, the authors come to the conclusion that the loss of elements of poetic speech during the translation of Saadi’s “Gulistan” from Persian into Russian is compensated by alliteration, assonance, the use of rhyming words, anaphora, etc.
Keywords: compensation methods, translation of poems, Russian, Persian, Gulistan Saadi Shirazi, translation by R. Aliyev and A. Starostin
Difficulties in translating Russian particles into PersianMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2022. 4. p.47-58read more603
Оne of the most difficult problems when translating literary texts from Russian into Persian is to understand the meaning of Russian particles and find suitable equivalents. Particles are important elements of the text that concretize, separate and strengthen any words according to the author’s choice. The abundance of particles in Russian and the important role of particles in the expression of emotional-expressive shades of sentences on the one hand, and their small number and limited use in the Persian language on the other, creates serious problems in understanding their meaning, especially in translation. The concept of particles relates to different terms in the Persian language that do not adequately cover Russian particles, which determines the relevance of the work. In most cases, the Persians refer to Russian particles as untranslatable parts of speech that do not have a special, significant function. In this paper, the particle systems of the Russian and Persian languages are described by means of a comparative method and then a number of translations of some examples from Russian fiction into Persian are analyzed in order to identify difficulties faced by Iranian students and translators in understanding the meaning and translation of Russian particles. The authors show that the main difficulties faced by Iranian translators are the incorrect differentiation of particles from homonymic constructions, incorrect definition of a clear meaning of particles in a sentence, the inability to find a suitable translation equivalent or the inability to find a suitable equivalent in accordance with the semantics and style in the Persian language and reinterpretation of the meaning of particles.
Keywords: particle, semantic function, translation, Russian language, Persian language