Cui Zheyuan
Ways to use the Internet in the process of translationMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2019. 1. p.40-53read more1163
This article pays attention to the use of the Internet in the process of translation, viz. the use of different online sources: search engines, machine translations, Wikipedia, reference sites, online correсtion, etc. The Internet is a great supporting tool that can help translators in their work. The ability to use the Internet can be considered as any translator’s key skill.
Keywords: Chinese, Internet, search engines, machine translation, digital translation
History and problems of teaching the Russian language in ChinaMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2023. 1. p.151-169read more928
This article discusses the history and some problematic aspects of teaching Russian in China — educational programs in universities, the level and number of teachers, textbooks, and the content of classes. The first three problems with the development of relations between China and Russia are being resolved, but the latter needs special attention.
Keywords: Chinese, Russian, teaching, history, problem
Hidden semantic context when using Chinese expressionsMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2023. 2. p.95-110read more419
This article focuses on the detailed rules of using certain Chinese characters whose translations into Russian are the same, which means the meanings are close, but there are still some minor differences, which is a topical problem encountered in the process of teaching the Chinese language. It should be noted that the basis for the selection of Chinese characters is the semantic context, which is often not expressed in the process of communication. The reason for this concealment is the Chinese culture. This article also studies the emergence, meaning and use of several Chinese neologisms and their requirement related to the semantic context.
Keywords: Chinese language, analysis of word meaning, semantics, neologism