Alevich Anissia V.
Lecturer at the Higher school of Translation and Interpretation, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia.
Reason and Emotions as Constituents of Comparative Lan- guage StudiesMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2017. 1. p.135-143read more993
The article studies the rational and emotional nature of the expressive means of language that form the basis for the comparative-stylistic analysis proposed by the outstanding Swiss linguist Charles Bally. Isolation, identification and the classification of expressive means of language aimed at determining the emotional component of speech are based on the method of comparison with the conceptual language of “pure ideas” reflecting peculiarities of the human psyche. The comparison may include languages united by a common psychological structure revealing the emotional side of language patterns that constitute the system due to the living language associations. The article also attempts to establish the origins of functionalism, which can be traced in the social aspects of language patterns that influence the parlance of a specific field as well as the functioning of language systems in similar situations of communication.
Keywords: logic, emotions, comparative stylistics, functional stylistics
The 1st International Forum “The Russian Language in the World Context and at International Organizations”Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2017. 1. p.185-187read more1076
The 1st International Forum “The Russian Language in the World Context and at International Organizations” took place from 28th of September to 3rd of October 2016 in Rome.
Keywords: The Russian Language in the World Context and at International Organizations, Russian language, forum, international forum, chronicles of scientific life
Translation from Prose in Two Acts and Five Chapters: Paradise Lost by Yelizaveta ZhadovskayaMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. 2. p.86-96read more1021
The article studies the influence of the literary circles phenomena on translation (a case study of Yelizaveta Zhadovskaya’s translation of Paradise Lost by John Milton). The first translation of the poem by Yelizaveta Zhadovskaya was made from Fyodor Zagorsky’s translation in prose which is considered as a great specimen of pragmatic translation: the translator, consciously changing the communicative effect of the original, sacrified the form for the meaning. Yelizaveta Zhadovskaya omitted significant parts of the poem that contained intertextual links, allusions to the works of Antiquity, mythology and sacred texts that formed the literal originality of the poem and added new fragments, thus acting as an author and paving the way for further poetic translations of John Milton’s Paradise Lost.
Keywords: poetic translation, translation pragmatics, target language literature, trans- lation transformations, Paradise Lost
The word of Lord in translation: “Paradise lost” by Amvrosy (Serebrennikov)Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2019. 1. p.84-94read more1099
The article studies the influence of target language literature on translation (a case study of “Paradise lost” translation by archbishop Amvrosy (Serebrennikov) made in the late 18th century via the French translation by Nicolas-François Dupré de Saint-Maur that transformed the original in the spirit of belles infidèles). Amvrosy praised the beauty of the poem, transforming the translation in accordance with the French text, and altering the heterodox passages of the poem. The translation, approved by the clergy and being one of the most poetic prose translations, paved the way for further translations based on the original text.
Keywords: literary translation, target language literature, belles infidèles, translation transformations, “Paradise lost”.
History of Bible translations into RussianMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2019. 4. p.38-49read more1106
The article studies the history of Bible translations into Russian, various styles and principles of translation as well as personality traits of translators who participated in the undertaking viewed as a milestone in the Golden Age of Russian language and literature.
Keywords: history of translation, translation hermeneutics, translator’s personality
The 29th International scientific conference for undergraduate and graduate students and young scientists “Lomonosov”Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2022. 4. p.136-139read more523
On April 13th, 2022, as part of the XXIX International Scientific Conference for Students, Postgraduates, and Young Scientists "Lomonosov," which traditionally takes place every spring at Moscow University, there was a meeting of the section "Theory, History, and Methodology of Translation."
Keywords: scientific life, conference, international conference
International philological forum in memory of academician Lyudmila VerbitskayaMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2022. 4. p.140-142read more551
On November 24th and 25th, the International Philological Forum in Memory of Academician Lyudmila Alekseevna Verbickaya was held at the Russian Academy of Education with the support of the Society of Russian Literacy and the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature.
Keywords: scientific life, forum, Lyudmila Verbitskaya
Theory, history and methodology of translation at the 30th jubilee International scientifi c conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists at the Higher School for Translation and Interpreting, Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2023. 3. p.131-133read more477
Keywords: scientific life, conference, international conference
Theory, History, and Methodology of Translation at the 31st International Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists Lomonosov-2024Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2024. 2. p.119-124read more260
Keywords: Chronicles of Scientific Life, conference