Chen Qiming
Translating the speech delivered by the Chinese speaker at the forum “One belt and one way”: an analysis within the frameworkMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2019. 1. p.15-27read more954
The article develops the idea that How do different countries develop their own corpus and the development of interlingua big data. Nowadays computer technology leads the development of big data and in this process various problems that may exist in creating a big data corpus, For example, the phenomenon of non-correspondence between different languages due to cultural differences. This article focuses on the relationship between translation theory and big data corpus, and the possible impact of the development of big data corpus on translation theory.
Keywords: translation, translation technology, interlanguage big data
Understanding the reasons for the peripheral situation in the Soviet school of interpretation in theoretical studies of interpretationMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2019. 4. p.86-100read more1032
This article considers the features of the development of the theory of interpretation in China as well as the status of the study of the Soviet school of interpretation in China. In order to find an answer to the question “Why the Soviet school of interpretation was not widely recognized in China?” the author not only considers the similarities and differences between the first works of the French and Soviet schools of interpretation which studied important mechanisms of the interpretation process, but also pays attention to such factors capable of influencing the vector of development of a theoretical school as politics and a social environment.
Keywords: theory of interpretation, the Soviet school, interpretative theory of interpretation