Shebarshina Daria Yu.
Simultaneous interpreting: justified and forced transformations and their impact on the quality of interpretingMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2020. 4. p.63-81read more1059
While performing simultaneous interpreting a simultaneous interpreter undoubtedly undertakes a number of syntactic, semantic and lexicosyntactic transformations. Nevertheless, multiple obstacles (linguistic, psychological, physiological and others) complicate the choice of the best possible interpreting strategy. As a result, there appears a number of employed transformations. The aim of this work is to identify both justified and unjustified usage of specific translation tools and evaluate the quality of interpreting.
Keywords: interpreting, simultaneous interpreting, justified and unjusti fied transformation, syntactic, semantic and lexicosyntactic transformations
Attentional control in simultaneous interpreting as one of major factors in the competition between artificial and human intelligencesMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2021. 2. p.21-30read more805
In the 21st year of the 21st century we can clearly see the effect of digitalization on all walks of our life, knowledge and experience. In such a way, selflearning neural networks capable of performing simultaneous interpreting become a revolutionary development potentially outcompeting a human being in the process. Nevertheless, multiple and mostly unsuccessful experiments with artificial intelligence (AI) in simultaneous interpreting have demonstrated that AI cannot replace human intelligence for the time being. What makes it possible, what retention factor is behind it? Such factors are numerous. One of them is attentional control.
Keywords: competition of intelligences, human intelligence, artificial intel ligence, transformation of the structure of an utterance, background knowledge, distribution of attention, context, broader context, emotions