Esakova Maria Nikolaevna
Higher School of Translation and Interpreting, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia.
Evaluation Suffixes in Mikhail Bulgakov’s Works: Translation DifficultiesMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2017. 1. p.52-63read more1041
The richest system of suffixes in the Russian language is ideally adapted for the expression of a vast range of different emotional relationships, not only gentle, affectionate, but many others for which it is sometimes quite difficult to find a definition. Translators face the challenge of untranslatability of diminutive-hypocoristic suffixes. In this respect, the most interesting objects of texts studies can be texts by Mikhail Bulgakov in which the author uses various words with diminutive-hypocoristic suffixes in his pursuit of a specific artistic task, viz. to transmit certain emotionally-colored connotations not always related exclusively to the amount value. The use of diminutive-hypocoristic suffixes in French is not common in word formation, which poses translation problems. It is important to note that the use of the stylistic nuances of diminutive-hypocoristic suffixes is of great importance for the understanding of Bulgakov’s irony, as well as penetrating those parts of the text that refer to the representatives of the so-called “new time” and are not conveyed in the translation.
Keywords: evaluation suffixes, Mikhail Bulgakov’s works, the challenge of untranslatability.
The International Youth Educational Forum “Languages, Cultures, Translation”Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. 3. p.128-130read more949
Keywords: chronicles of scientific life, scientific life, educational forum
The 8th International Conference “The Russian Language and Culture in the Mirror of Translation”Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. 4. p.165-167read more981
Keywords: Chronicles of Scientifc Life
The 9th International Conference “The Russian Language and Culture in the Mirror of Translation”Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2019. 2. p.146-149read more987
From April 10 to April 14, 2020 IX International scientific conference "Russian language and culture in terms of interpreting" took place.
Keywords: chronicles of scientific life, conference, international scientific conference
The 7th International Research and Education Forum for Young Researchers (Teachers of Russian) “Languages. Cultures. Translation” (in the context of the Bilateral Year of Russian and Greek literatures)Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2019. 3. p.120-121read more902
From June, 29 to July, 4 of 2019 VII International Scientific Educational Forum took place.
Keywords: сhronicles of scientifc life, scientifc life, forum, educational forum
Russian diminutives as special translation unitsMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2020. 3. p.75-91read more1400
Diminutives are found in many literary works created in Russian and they are an important means of sense-making. They also play an important role in creating a speech portrait of a character as well as in expressing the author’s assessment.
There is a legitimate question due to a frequent use of diminutives in literary works: how to translate fragments of a literary text where diminutive suffixes are found? Do these passages require special attention and do they need a pretranslation comment? Is the diverse palette of meanings that writers put into words with diminutive suffixes comprehensible to people of a different culture?
In this article, we will consider fragments of a text with diminutives taken from the novella “Heart of a Dog” by Mikhail Bulgakov, and their translations into English, French and Chinese. We will try to determine various difficulties a translator faces in working on such texts.
Keywords: diminutives, literary text, literary translation, “Heart of a Dog,” Mikhail Bulgakov
The 12th International scientific conference “The Russian Language and Culture in the Mirror of Translation”Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2022. 4. p.143-146read more495
From May 13th to 15th, 2022, the XII International Scientific Conference "Russian Language and Culture in the Mirror of Translation" was held at the University Pension (Zvenigorod, Moscow Region), dedicated to the 240th anniversary of the formation of the Translation Seminar at the Imperial Moscow University.
Keywords: scientific life, conference, international conference
The 9th International scientific and educational forum “Languages. Culture. Translation”Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2022. 4. p.147-148read more558
From November 10th to 13th, 2022, the IX International Scientific and Educational Forum "Languages. Cultures. Translation" was held at the University Pension of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, dedicated to the Year of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: scientific life, conference, international conference
Fonvisin in the history of translation and Lomonosov Moscow State UiniversityMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2024. 4. p.121-136read more30
Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin — a famous satirical writer of the 18th century. In the article, we tried to characterize Fonvizin as a translator, to trace the stages of his life and creative path associated with both studying at the gymnasium at Moscow University and studying at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow University, which the writer attended for a short time. In this article, we also tell about the writer’s teachers and mentors, professors of Moscow University, who had the greatest influence on Fonvizin’s personality.Keywords: D. Fonvizin, Moscow State University, translator, satirical writer