ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
En Ru
ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
Translation activities from the perspective of gestalt psychology: a case study of poetic translations from Chinese into Russian

Translation activities from the perspective of gestalt psychology: a case study of poetic translations from Chinese into Russian


This article attempts to analyze the psychological activity in the translation process from the perspective of Gestalt psychology and to identify psychological factors that affect the translator’s thoughts and word choosing. In addition, the analysis of the poetic translation from Chinese into Russian reveals the advantages of image thinking for translators as well as some features of the Chinese language and translatibg Chinese poetry.


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Received: 10/01/2019

Accepted: 11/01/2019

Accepted date: 30.12.2019

Keywords: translation, Gestalt, image, poetic translation, the Chinese language

Available in the on-line version with: 30.12.2019

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Issue 4, 2019