Alexandra V. Bogomolova
Discursive personality of the author of a pamphlet from a translation perspectiveMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2022. 4. p.108-128read more572
The article considers the features of the manifestation of the discursive personality of the author of a pamphlet and the ways of their transmission when translating from French into Russian on the basis of the works “Le hareng de Bismark” by J.-L. Melenchon and “Sarkozy sous BHL” by R. Dumas and J. Verges. A model of complex analysis of the author’s discursive personality in cultural, communicative, pragmatic, and stylistic aspects is proposed. Based on the model, the features of the author’s idiostyle are derived, which require immutable preservation during translation to ensure an adequate communicative eff ect on the target language. In terms of the communicativefunctional approach according to V.V. Sdobnikov, the pamphlet refers to a communicative situation (KSP-2trans), in which the translator himself is the initiator of the translation, seeking to acquaint recipients with the work of the authors. The paper analyzes the problem of the translator’s linguistic personality influence on the transmission of the author’s features of the original text, initially addressed to the inner reader, and the question of overcoming such an influence. It has been demonstrated that for the adequate transmission of the features of the author’s discursive personality, the most acceptable methods are compensation, adaptation and translation commentary.
Keywords: discursive personality, pamphlet, author idiostyle, KSP-2trans, translator’s linguistic personality