Zhou Shiyu

A study on the influence of discourse situationality on Russian interpreting and interpreting strategiesMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2022. 2. p.59-72read more535
Situationality is one of the seven characteristics of discourse proposed by De Beaugrande and W. Dressler. A great deal of practice shows that situationality plays an important role in influencing the interpreting activity, including the subject and object of the interpreting, listening, comprehension, reorganization and output of the information, etc. A successful translation of a text must seek the closest interpretation to the source text based on the linguistic context in which it was produced. This paper will start with the situationality, argue for the necessity and possibility of using the discourse situationality to analyze Russian-Chinese interpretation, and propose corresponding interpreting strategies through specific case studies in order to improve the quality of Russian-Chinese interpretation, accumulate experience for interpreting training and make certain contributions to the relevant interpretation work.
Keywords: situationality; context; Russian-Chinese interpretating; interpreting strategies