Rufat R. Bavdinov

Formation of information technology vocabulary and its renderring into Russian: based on the material of the Uyghur languageMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2022. 1. p.145-157read more646
The article analyzes Information Technology (IT) vocabulary based on the material of the Uyghur language. The purpose of the study is to analyze the processes of IT vocabulary formation in the modern Uyghur language. The techniques and methods used in translation of IT vocabulary into Russian are also in the focus of the research. The lexical units excerpted from the Uyghur edition of Radio Free Asia articles have been taken as a material for the article. This study is the first of its kind to consider the issue of industry vocabulary formation, namely in IT, based on the material of the modern Uyghur language. The Uyghur language, which belongs to languages with an ancient written tradition, has formed an interesting phenomenon in the world of translation. Uyghur immigrants from East Turkestan migrate from China to Western Europe, the United States and Turkey, where the Uyghur language is spoken in an alien foreign language environment (except Turkey). Thus, the English language influences the development and functioning of the language. English is becoming a kind of standard in IT vocabulary formation. The authors analyze this phenomenon in the present study.
Keywords: the Uyghur language, the Russian language, Information Technologies, terms, translation, vocabulary