Nadezhda G. Kantysheva

Indicators of translated Russian discourse: textual and lexical parametersMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2021. 3. p.135-149read more790
The study is aimed at identifying indicators of translated Russian-language discourse through the use of textual and lexical parameters in the German-Russian language combination. The work is congruent with descriptive translation studies and does not imply an analysis of the interaction between the original text and its translation: translation as an object of research is not considered in terms of equivalence, adequacy, translation correspondences and transformations. Student translations of journalistic articles of a major news portal served as the material for the study. An attempt is made to identify potentially universal trends in translation from the point of view of the discursive ontology of translation and to establish a set of textual and lexical indicators for analysis. The paper concludes that with the help of exclusively linguistic features, it is possible to identify special characteristics that distinguish translations from texts originally written in the target language. The results can be applied in the field of translation didactics.
Keywords: translation discourse, translation universals, translation indicators, descriptive translation studies, corpus translation studies, communication theory, linguistic modeling, discursive translation ontology, translation didactics