Pavlenko Veronika G.

Disclosure of British linguistic culture through the artistic aspect of the semantics of introductory words expressing confidence in the works of English RealistsMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2019. 3. p.92-104read more1232
This article is about semantically introductory words expressing confidence and degrees of confidence found in the works by English classical realists of the 19th and 20th centuries. The purpose of the article is to study the British linguistic culture, lexical-semantic, sociocultural and ethnic characteristics reflected in literary texts, as well as to make a list of introductory words with conceptual meanings for further semantic analysis. The subject of the study is the English linguistic culture and polysemantic field; the object of the study is the semantics of introductory words in novels authored by English realist classics. The work is based on the diachronic approach of N. Enquist and the global synchronization method developed by J. Firbas. From this combination of synchrony and diachrony, a logical and comparative perception of the signifier and the signified is formed, that is, a theory (assumption) arises. From this contrast, the conclusion is drawn that even the figurativeness of speech itself conveys an inseparable perception of the concept, introductory words and the thesauri of the two sides in a dialogue. Polylogue has a similar significance, but its perception is much more difficult due to the presence of a large number of participants in the conversation. According to Zipf ’s law, the author cannot overload the text with a multitude of personal and demonstrative pronouns, and he must refrain from using the same words and concepts for at least three paragraphs. In addition, it is necessary to adhere to the alternation of various types of communication, viz. coordination, management and adjoining equally. All this allows not only to reveal the style of the author, but also to learn to perceive the literary text as a value-conceptual aspect of a linguistic culture.
Keywords: modal word, modal attitude, assessment orientation, language evolution, language norm, degree of confidence, diachronic approach, inflectional system
Psychologism in the works of William Gibson: a case study of the book “The Miracle Worker”Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2021. 1. p.90-99read more890
This article is devoted to the study of the psychological portrait of the main character Helen Keller in the play “The Miracle Worker” by William Gibson. One purpose of the article is to study figurative and expressive linguistic means: tropes and figures of speech expressing the category of psychologism in a literary text. Psychologism in a work of art makes it possible to understand the behavior, state, feelings and value orientations of a particular character. The other purpose is to analyze the characteristics of the image of the main character as a means of psychological analysis. The subject of research is the play “Who Worked a Miracle” by William Gibson, on the basis of which we identify the main means of the psychological characterization of a character; the object of research is the work of William Gibson with his understanding and application of the methods of psychologism as a realistic principle of depicting a character in fiction. The article examines the concept of “internal psychologism” of an individual who finds themselves in a very difficult life situation and manages to pull themselves together. Special attention is paid to figurative and expressive linguistic means that convey the inner world of the character. The author of the article points out the ability of the main character to accept all the hardships of life with a smile, as well as the desire for spiritual self-realization and personal growth.
Keywords: psychological analysis, inner world, work of art, psychological portrait, figurative and expressive language means, imagery
Cognitive-pragmatic and semantic-syntactic characteristics of the mental verb expect and its derivatives (in the English language)Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2022. 3. p.68-77read more530
One of the main tasks of linguistic research is to analyze the linguistic phenomena associated with the reflection of human mental activity in the language. The work of the linguistic representation of human mental activity has not been fully defined and described yet. This can be explained by the difficulty of perceiving the internal processes of thinking that are impossible to see, and the lack of any resonable classification of linguistic means with the meaning “mental”. The article deals with the cognitive-pragmatic and semantic-syntactic features of the mental verb “expect” and its derivatives in the English language. The purpose of the research is to study the semantic-syntactic and cognitive features of the verb “expect” and its derivatives. The scientific originality of the work is determined by the analysis of the syntactic features of the verb “expect” and its derivatives with the meaning “mental” within the communicative and pragmatic aspect in English language. The objectives of the work are to describe the syntactic features of the verb expect and its derivatives with the meaning “mental”, to determine the lexical-semantic structure of the verb “expect” and its derivatives with the meaning “mental”; to identify the semantic, pragmatic and cognitive characteristics of the verb “expect” and its derivatives. The following methods were used in the work: the definitional analysis and the method of contextual analysis. The results of the study showed that the cognitive meaning “mental” is in the cognate words of the verb “expect”. The author concluded that the actualization of the pragmatic meanings of the verb expect and its derivatives only occurs in the context of real communicative discourse.Keywords: context, semantic, meaning, cognitive, mental, derivative, pragmatics, proposition
Epistemic adverbs as means of expressing the credibility of the contents (in English language)Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2023. 1. p.110-132read more640
The interest in the study of the category of epistemic modality is associated with the allocation of their new classification and consideration of the means of their linguistic objectification. Among the little-studied problems are linguistic means of expressing epistemic modality of credibility, actualizing the denotative correlation with parts of speech and receiving an equivalent representation of their lexical meaning. The article deals with the semantic analysis of epistemic adverbs in the framework of logical analysis. The aim of the article is to study the semantics of epistemic adverbs in terms of the realization of the credibility of the contents in English. These lexemes are considered in the contexts of their functioning. The scientific innovativeness of the article is at the heart that this article examines the correlation of epistemic adverbs and verbs of mental activity: know, think, suppose, doubt, etc. The objectives of the study are to describe the classification of epistemic adverbs according to the degree of expression of credibility of the contents; to analyze epistemic adverbs of credibility of the contents in the texts of fiction; to identify the correlation of epistemic adverbs and verbs of mental activity: know, think, suppose, doubt, etc. The contexts where epistemic adverbs function in texts of fiction are identified and described. The article argues that epistemic adverbs have a denotative correlation with mental verbs and receive an equivalent representation of their lexical meaning. The author concludes that according to the contexts of their functioning, their lexical meanings inherent in epistemic verbs, namely mental verbs, are manifested.
Keywords: digital transtarget texts, parallel corpus, epistemological potential, target language, agentivity, Japanese languagelation, PR, abbreviation
The national-cultural features of the concept “Memory” by phraseological means in Russian and English linguoculturesMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2024. 1. p.159-172read more467
This article is a comparative analysis of the concept “Memory” in English and Russian linguistic culture. It studies the English and Russian phraseological means that verbalize the abovementioned concept. The purpose of the article is to consider phraseological units expressing the concept “Memory” in both languages. The relevance of the work is due to an increased interest in phraseological linguistic units, since they capture the archetypes of human consciousness. To achieve the object in view, the definitional analysis method and the descriptive method have been used. The phraseological units reflect the idea of the British and Russian nations about the concept of memory. The author emphasizes the fact that phraseological units have cultural differences in each language. It is assumed that this research will allow us to understand the culture and mentality of the English and Russian ethnic groups.
Keywords: phraseology, culture, cognitive, concept, memory, unit