Rarenko M.B.
Lecturer at the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences (INION)
Machine translation as a challengeMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2021. 2. p.117-126read more923
The history of machine translation can be seen as a challenge to human thought and intellect from its inception up to the present day. Currently, four main types of machine translation are recognized: first, RuleBased Machine Translation (RBMT); second, Statistical Machine Translation (SMT); third, Hybrid Machine Translation (HMT), which arose at the intersection of the two aforementioned types; fourth, Neural Machine Translation (NMT).
The history of machine translation has developed rapidly, with ups and downs, periods of inspiration and disappointment. However, according to M.N. Marchuk, the topic of machine translation will always be relevant for a number of reasons, one of which is people’s desire to know the boundaries of the impossible.
Keywords: translation, machine translation, history of machine translation, machine translation “by rules,” “statistical” machine translation, hybrid machine translation, neural machine translation