Borodina Anna V.
Senior lecturer at the Institute of Economics and Management
“Digital translator” as an agent of notarial discourse? Rethinking the notarized translation in the digital eraMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2021. 2. p.68-78read more721
The paper discusses key trends in notarized translation given the transformation of the translation profession due to the digitalization of economics and changes in the legal translation industry in the light of the UTR initiative to implement the institution of court (sworn) translators in Russia. The outcomes of the comparative discourse analysis of the notarized and sworn translation are provided given innovations in digital translation, language samples encompassing the translation agencies’ corporate websites. It is concluded that even in the case of successful integration of neural technologies into the translation profession, the agents of the notarial discourse would still be humans — notaries and / or translators possessing digital competencies.
Keywords: notarial discourse, notarized translation, digital translation, court interpreters, sworn translators, Union of Translators of Russia (UTR)