Yusupova Seda M.
The value of freedom in phraseologyMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2017. 2. p.86-93read more958
The article considers the value of freedom in phraseology of the English, German and Russian languages, as well as deals with the semantic and corpus analysis. Values are a significant category in languages and cultures regulating a person’s perception of the surrounding reality and social behavior. Research into the value of freedom through analyzing idioms makes it possible to reveal the ways of conceptualization of this notion in different languages, to define the role and influence of cultures on the specificity of the semantic field “political values,” as well as to find peculiarities of idioms’ semantics. The article is an analysis of idioms representing the freedom of speech and choice. The freedom of speech is shown as an opportunity to openly express one’s opinions as well as an appeal to fairness. It is reflected in the inner form and in the lexical structure of idioms. The corpus approach has shown that under the influence of the inner form synonymous idioms turn out to be significantly different to one another in various contexts; regular compatibility with different lexemes is revealed, many idioms also acquire additional meanings. The freedom of choice is reflected in expressions describing reforms, manifestations of patriotism and policies aimed at supporting the country.
Keywords: the value of freedom, idioms, cognitive, semantic, corpus analysis
The comparative aspect of the value of consent in phraseology (evidence from the English, German and Russian languages)Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2022. 3. p.93-104read more541
The article deals with the comparative aspect of the semantics of English, German and Russian idioms, representing the value of consent as the basis for successful interaction and communication. The material of research is English, German and Russian idioms, expressing consent and their contexts of use from the British National Corpus, the Corpus of Contemporary American English, the National Corpus of the Russian Language. The results of research show that the basis for agreement in different languages is understanding, mutual understanding, friendly relations, the ability to build communication, trust, the state of mind. In different languages, a figurative variation of consent in idioms and their different use as functional correspondences in translation are found. So, the inner form of similar in meaning idioms imposes restrictions on their use in contexts and accordingly affects the possibility of using them as equivalents.
Keywords: linguistic interference, Serbian, Russian, literary text, written translation, stories, closely related languages