Pavlova Yekaterina V.
Antinomies of Translation: A Case Study of Proper NamesMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. 1. p.69-95read more1084
The article deals with a study of the philosophical notion of antinomy applied to the theory of translation. A retrospective journey into the history of the issue is accompanied by an analysis of a number of antinomies most relevant to translation of proper names such as antinomy of identity and variation, antinomy of fixedness and arbitrariness, antinomy of the source and target language phonetic systems and that of outer form and inner meaning. In the analysis of antinomies of outer form and inner meaning, charactonyms and common names are differentiated. The study is based on four translations of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone from English into Russian.
Keywords: philosophy, antinomy, contradiction, translation of proper names