Koltsova Yulia N.
Higher School of Translation and Interpreting, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)
Evaluation Suffixes in Mikhail Bulgakov’s Works: Translation DifficultiesMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2017. 1. p.52-63read more1019
The richest system of suffixes in the Russian language is ideally adapted for the expression of a vast range of different emotional relationships, not only gentle, affectionate, but many others for which it is sometimes quite difficult to find a definition. Translators face the challenge of untranslatability of diminutive-hypocoristic suffixes. In this respect, the most interesting objects of texts studies can be texts by Mikhail Bulgakov in which the author uses various words with diminutive-hypocoristic suffixes in his pursuit of a specific artistic task, viz. to transmit certain emotionally-colored connotations not always related exclusively to the amount value. The use of diminutive-hypocoristic suffixes in French is not common in word formation, which poses translation problems. It is important to note that the use of the stylistic nuances of diminutive-hypocoristic suffixes is of great importance for the understanding of Bulgakov’s irony, as well as penetrating those parts of the text that refer to the representatives of the so-called “new time” and are not conveyed in the translation.
Keywords: evaluation suffixes, Mikhail Bulgakov’s works, the challenge of untranslatability.
The International Youth Educational Forum “Languages, Cultures, Translation”Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. 3. p.128-130read more930
Keywords: chronicles of scientific life, scientific life, educational forum