Saeidi Ali
Translation of gender pronouns from Russian into Persian: a case study of the translation of the play “The Cherry Orchard” by Anton Chekhov into Persian by Simin DaneshvarMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2023. 3. p.92-103read more507
Russian is a synthetic language, whereas Persian is an analytical language. The structures of these two languages are different from each other. The difference between the structures of these two languages makes it difficult to translate from one language to the other. One of these differences is the presence of gender pronouns in Russian and its absence in Persian. This difference will lead to the fact that if there are two gender pronouns in a Russian sentence, the translator will have to apply some tricks to clarify the gender content of the above pronouns. The purpose of the article is to identify techniques and methods for clarifying the gender content of Russian gender pronouns when translating from Russian into Persian. The novelty of the article lies in the fact that this article for the first time considers this problem when translating from Russian into Persian and identifies methods for solving it. This study uses a descriptive and systematic approach. The static population of this study included Russian sentences containing gender pronouns from the text of the play “The Cherry Orchard” by Anton Chekhov. At the end of the article, the methods of translating Russian gender pronouns from Russian into Persian are listed and illustrated by the Persian translation of “The Cherry Orchard” made by Simin Daneshvar.
Keywords: Gender pronoun, translation, the Persian language, the Russian language, “Th e Cherry Orchard”, Anton Chekhov, Simin Daneshvar