Petr V. Kochetkov
Stéphane Mallarmé’s poetry in Russian and translation issuesMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2023. 3. p.39-51read more466
The article regards the problems concerning the Russian translations of S. Mallarmé’s (1842–1898) poetical works. Different methods and systems of translation, various approaches to rendering of mallarméan poetics and style are introduced and compared. The difficulties of translation are associated with the originality of the French poet’s aesthetic program, as well as with the singularity of his revolutionary approach to language. Different variants and directions of resolving the main translation problem are taken into consideration, while the problem itself is formulated as a search for a language adequate to the aesthetic, philosophical and poetical pursuits of the French poet.
Keywords: Stéphane Mallarmé, problems of translation, French and Russian poetry, symbolism, modernism