Ekaterina A. Filatova

Lexical and terminological problems of medical documentary audiovisual text translation: a case study of medical documentary “In the Womb: Identical Twins” dubbingMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2023. 2. p.78-94read more481
The articles dwells upon the study of medical documentary audiovisual texts translation. Some lexical and terminological problems of dubbing are identified and analyzed. Terminology and medical lexis are integral parts of medical documentaries. Hence, the main problems concerning special language of medicine translation are thoroughly studied. The object of the research is to distinguish some typical translation patterns of terminology, medical lexis and analyze translation strategies applied in audiovisual texts. The article deals with genre and stylistic specific features of medical documentaries audiovisual texts. In order to conduct rigorous analysis the terms “terminology” and “special language of medicine” are differentiated. The case study is based on the dubbing of the medical documentary National Geographic “In the Womb: Identical Twins”. Such methods as comparative and contrastive; statistical analysis are applied to the research. Due to comparing the original audiovisual text of medical documentary and Russian dubbing, some peculiarities of translation are observed. Thus, some definite problems in special language of medicine translation documentaries are detected; the main solutions of the problems are revealed. The study involves determination of the most frequently used translation strategies in audiovisual translation of medical documentaries. The comparative analysis of original and dubbed texts reveals that (43%) of medical terms are directly transferred. The percentage of cases when calque translation strategy is used for medical lexis is 21. Only 5 % of all cases are translated incorrectly. The findings of the study reflect a strong dependence between translation strategies and documentary video. Based on the studied material the most common lexical and terminological problems in medical audiovisual texts translation are revealed. It is concluded that context and video should be taken into consideration in medical documentary translation. Further studies of the above mentioned issues may significantly contribute to theoretical and practical aspects of medical documentary audiovisual translation.
Keywords: audiovisual translation, documentary, special medical terminology, term, translation strategies
“Unknown” quotations in R. Zelazny’s novel “Creatures of Light and Darkness” as a problem of translation interpretationMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2024. 1. p.81-97read more297
Precedent statements are an important intertextual phenomenon that makes it possible to include the work in the body of already existing texts but to actualize the game with the readers’ expectations. A quotation has the potential to perform many functions: it can serve as a direct reference to the author or a specific work, it can imply a broad cultural outlook of the reader, it can form the internal context of the work, as if these quotations were taken from texts invented by the characters themselves, etc. The aim of the article is to analyze the precedent statements in the novel of R. Zelazny “Creatures of Light and Darkness”. The extensive use of different types and levels of precedent phenomena characterizes this fiction novel as a whole. Three Russian translations of R. Zelazny’s novel were used as illustrative material. The method of research is contrastive semantic-syntactic analysis. A number of quotations in the novel by R. Zelazny’s novel initially assumes some “understatement”, when the reader either has to have a broad outlook in order to recognize the reference to the precedent text, or must try to guess what it is about. It is especially interesting when the source of the quotation is unknown and unrecognizable, so there is an interpretive lacuna that serves as a challenge to the reader. Translators look for ways to convey and simultaneously compensate for this reticence by various means, including, in some cases, eliminating the reticence itself (e. g. by introducing a reference to pretexts, although this does not exist in the original work). The results allow us to identify the translation that is closest to the original in pragmatic terms, as well as to conclude that there is some continuity in the translations: while the earlier translations are significantly different, the later translation uses some of its predecessors’ solutions.
Keywords: citation, precedent phenomena, translation, contrastive analysis, R. Zelazny