Kolesnikova Svetlana M.
Professor at the Russian Language Department, Institute of Philology, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow State University of Education,” Russia
Cognition and perception signs in the Russian translation of Emily Dickinson’s poem “Tell all the truth but tell it slant”Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2020. 1. p.63-76read more1010
The article deals with four Russian translations of Emily Dickinson’s poem “Tell All the Truth but Tell it Slant” in line with the cognitive translation practice. It aims at similarities and differences in deictic, referential, conceptual, perceptual and gradation-evaluation areas of the source text and its translation variants. It has been shown that differences in the source and target texts, as well as the need to use transformations, are invoked by poetic syntactic license in the source text (double syntactic constructions and referential conflict), by key concepts “pravda — istina — truth” development, by the cognitive metaphor of light and novel dominating signs of cognition in the perception-gradation rows in the texts.
Keywords: poetic text translation, deictics, reference, perception, concept, graduality