ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
En Ru
ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
Ecotranslatology in the light of Western translation studies

Ecotranslatology in the light of Western translation studies


With the development of translation studies, different approaches to its study emerged. Ecotranslatology is a new approach in Chinese translation studies proposed by Hu Gengshen in 2001. It became the first unique systematic translation theory in China and this new attempt has opened up a new opportunity for the study of translation. Therefore, studying the similarities and differences between eco-translation studies and Western translation theories is of great importance for a deeper understanding of the true originality, advantages and prospects of ecotranslation studies. This article discusses the emergence and development of ecotranslation studies. A comparison is made between Ecotranslatology and Western translation studies on three grounds, viz. the translation process, the place and role of the translator in the translation process, and translation criteria. Various aspects of Ecotranslatology are analyzed, which makes it possible to determine which of them are borrowed from Western translation studies, and which are unique. The author uses a comparative descriptive method and a method of research analysis. The article points out some similarities that Ecotranslatology shares with the Western theory of translation, the manifestation of which may be associated with the historical factor in the development of the theory: the Chinese theory of translation for a long time lagged behind in its development from the Western translation studies and had a closed character. But due to the fact that Chinese philosophy has a unique character, completely different from the nature of Western philosophical teachings, Ecotranslatology is established under the influence of Chinese philosophy, Western philosophy and traditional Chinese translation thought and Western translation studies, so Ecotranslatology we study today also has a number of unique features that distinguish it from all currently existing theories in the science of translation. The article outlines new directions for the development of eco-translation studies.


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Received: 04/10/2022

Accepted: 05/20/2022

Accepted date: 30.06.2022

Keywords: Ecotranslatology, Western translation studies, adaptation, selection, environmental translation

Available in the on-line version with: 30.06.2022

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Issue 2, 2022