ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
En Ru
ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
On the typology of Russian interpretation textbooks published in China

On the typology of Russian interpretation textbooks published in China


In recent years, translation training in Chinese universities has developed rapidly. With regard to teaching Russian interpreting, considerable progress has also been made, this can be reflected in the creation of textbooks. This article studies 15 Russian interpretation textbooks compiled by Chinese specialists in Russian over the past 20 years. Such textbooks can be divided into 5 types according to their content and functions: (1) a model focused on language materials on various topics; (2) a model focused on developing the skill of interpreting; (3) generic type model; (4) a model focused on language materials in a special area; (5) a model focused on preparing for “China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters” (CATTI). A description of the structure of textbooks and an analysis of their prominent features according to different types present the state and existing models of teaching Russian interpretation in Chinese universities. The result shows: (1) a certain system has been formed for teaching Russian language interpretation in Chinese universities; (2) textbook compilation is under development and follows two lines: language materials and interpreting skills; (3) among the five types of textbooks, one can choose an option in the process of teaching interpretation according to the purpose of training and the direction of training of translators in different universities; (4) of the two most typical interpreting textbooks, one covers relatively complete aspects of learning, whereas in the other texts take into account the peculiarities of oral speech and offer specialized knowledge.



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Received: 09/20/2021

Accepted: 03/11/2022

Accepted date: 25.03.2022

Keywords: interpretation, Russian translation training, textbooks on translation, typology of textbooks, Chinese Russian studies

Available in the on-line version with: 30.03.2022

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Issue 1, 2022