ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
En Ru
ISSN 0201-7385. ISSN 2074-6636
The Application of Some Special Chinese Language Means in Russian-Chinese Interpreting

The Application of Some Special Chinese Language Means in Russian-Chinese Interpreting


The article reveals an essential connection between the mental model existing in the interpreter’s consciousness and the synonymous phenomenon from the perspective of speech generation. Based on this provision, a comparison is made between the translation from the mother tongue to a foreign language (A-B) and the opposite (B-A). It is pointed out that synonymous competence is one of the most important factors for improving the level of translation from the mother tongue to a foreign language. It is suggested that synonymous competence can be considered as a key to the formation and improvement of translation competence, especially the translation model of B-A.


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PDF, ru

Received: 07/01/2017

Accepted: 08/01/2017

Accepted date: 30.09.2017

Keywords: translation from the mother tongue to a language, synonymy, mental model, synonymous competence

Available in the on-line version with: 01.10.2017

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Issue 3, 2017