Sorokina Elvira A.
Professor at Moscow Region State University, Russia
Issues of analyzing multiword termsMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. 4. p.150-158read more969
The article raises the question of studying the form (the formal structure) and the semantics (the semantic structure) of multiword terms. It points outthat multiword terminological units abounding in branch terminologies pose a problem in researching their outer structure and meaning. The lexeme “element” is put forth to be used for denoting a component of a one-word term, while the word “component” is suggested as a designation of a constituent part of a multi-word term. The article highlights the fact that in the sublanguage ofter minological science vocabulary, as well as in the language used for general purposes, certain semantic phenomena can be observed, viz. polysemy, synonymy, homonymy, antonymy, paronymy.
Keywords: term, one-word term, multiword term, special vocabulary, the formal structure of the term, the semantic structure of the term, terminological element, terminological component, terminology.