Zaytseva Alla S.
Lecturer at the Civil Defence Academy of EMERCOM of Russia
Categorization of reality in a special world pictureMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. 4. p.137-149read more957
The object of study in the article is lexical and semantic group “reality” in the emergency situations terminology as a categorial and terminological microsystem. The subject is the possibilities of its categorization, semantization and taxonomic classification. The semantic core of all the terms forming this group consists of two integral features: abstract relations and forms of existence of matter: reality. In the terminology of emergency situations special reality is described by terms situation, state, conditions, circumstances, crisis, regime, system, condition, biocenosis, life, anomaly. To become industry-specific terms, these lexical units receive differential signs (source, consequence, objecty subject, space, quantity, order, change, modality, condition, time, activity). With the help of these semes, special professional information can be expressed. As a result of semantic specification, the lexicon forms a special professional terminology field.
Keywords: term, emergency situations terminology, terminological field, category, lexical-semantic group, semantics of a term.