Ikonnikova Valentina A.
Dean of the Department of Linguistics and Cross-Cultural Communication, MGIMO University, Odintsovo Campus.
The theory of terminological sign by Vladimir M. Leitchik and a study of the socio-cultural component of branch terminologiesMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. 4. p.93-106read more999
The article describes the method of singling out and analyzing the cultural component of meaning as well as that of terminologies. The method was worked out on the basis of the theory of terminological sign by Dr. Vladimir Leitchik. The author distinguishes between the notions of 'cultural component of terminological meaning, “cultural component of terminologies and terminological systems” and “sociocultural component of branch terminologies” such as Anglo-American terminologies of law, education, etc. The target goal of the research is to apply the developed method of terminological sign analysis to new terminologies. In the present article, the stated method is used to analyze the terminology of Russian history borrowed from the Russian language into the English texts by British historians. The author illustrates the theory of terminological sign by investigating the semantics of the linguistic substratum of terminological signs and the content of the conceptual superstratum of the sign. The results of the article include the description of the peculiarities of the content structure of the transcribed terms of Russian history which contain the cultural component of meaning in English texts.
Keywords: terminological sign, language substratum, conceptual superstratum, cultural component of meaning, cultural component of terminology.