Insausti Iker Sancho
Associate Professor at the University of Basque Country (EHU-UPV), Spain.
Contribution of Russian literature to the establishment of the Basque literary system: 1956–2017Moscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2018. 4. p.46-77read more942
The history of publications of Russian literature in the Basque language is along-standing process with a great number of historical, social and even politicaldriving factors. The agenda of translating Russian literature into Basque spansmore than 60 years: ninety-one Russian literary works were published in theBasque language between 1956 and 2017. The history of this process can bedivided into three development stages: the first stage (1956-1970) covers thesecond half of Francos dictatorship. The second stage (1982-1994) ranges fromthe restoration of democracy to 1994. The third period (1995-2017) begins with the first direct translation from Russian into Basque and ends in 2017, when the last Russian novel was published in Basque.
Keywords: Russian literature, Basque language, translation, literary polysystem.