Yekaterina A. Korobova

Speech for the defence in cross-cultural translationMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2021. 3. p.150-161read more763
The relevance of the research is determined by the need for a complex study and description of the peculiarities of the interpreter’s activity. Language means used in the lawyers’ professional speech are analyzed. Currently, juridical discourse is in the focus of linguistic research as it is among the most popular ones. As a participant in the juridical discourse, any speaker in court tries to assess the case, analyze the material and make conclusions that may be ambiguous. Accordingly, the interpreter takes into account the fact that the participants in the trial can present the same fact in different ways.
The purpose of this work was to identify the features of the interpreter’s speech when dealing with speeches for the defence, which, in fact, is a type of special translation. Translation of such speeches can often come closer to other types of translation in the current context of comprehensive international legal, military and political cooperation.
The research methods are determined by the purpose and objectives of this work. Th ese are the traditional method of discursive analysis, the method of philological analysis, the method of analysis and synthesis, the method of description and classification, directed sampling, the historical and cultural method.
Results. The communicative function and the function of influence keep a certain balance and form a dialectical unity in judicial speech. Th at means, on the one hand, that the interpreter must certainly take into account the expressive and emotional component of any speech for the defence, which can be reached by the use of linguistic means of expressiveness. On the other hand, it should be taken into account that the juridical discourse is quickly growing, lexical units appear in the legal sphere.
Conclusion. The interpreter must have a profound understanding of the identity of the legal discourse to carry out a special type of translation when working with speeches for the defence. As a distinctive feature from the point of view of special translation, the rich terminology of speeches for the defence takes an important place in the process of training professional interpreters and in their professional activities.
Keywords: juridical discourse, legal language, judicial speech, speech for the defence, terminology, term, special translation