Mitin Pavel S.
Typical errors in machine translation of sociopolitical vocabulary: a case study of translations of Egypt’s mass mediaMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2021. 1. p.17-34read more976
In this article, the author made an attempt to investigate the most typical errors of “Google Translate (GT)” in the machine translation of news texts from Arabic into Russian. The integrity and semantic adequacy of the translation results were assessed when determining their quality in order to identify the degree of the need for professional correction of the completed machine translation by a qualified interpreter. The author uses the method of content analysis, as well as quantitative and qualitative descriptive approaches to assess the quality of typical translation errors. Several excerpts from translations of e-newspapers were selected as the material for the study.Keywords: machine translation, program, neural network, identification, correction, newspaper, typology, spelling, vocabulary, semantics, morphology, homonymy, omission, editing