Galichev Aleksandr I.
Special Techniques in Translation of Leaflets and Radio Broadcasting ProgramsMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2017. 1. p.74-84read more931
The article focuses on the peculiarities of translation of indoctrination materials (leaflets and radio broadcast programs) aimed at soldiers and the population of Nazi Germany during the Great Patriotic War. Based on the language and style analysis of original materials, we define grammatical, syntactical and stylistic transformations in translation intended to convey the meaning of combat documents which exert influence over different demographic and social groups. While analyzing the discourse of verbal persuasion in the armed forces of Wehrmacht through oral and printed propaganda, we emphasize the translator’s capability to use language means, particularly epithets, allegories, antitheses, metaphors, hyperbolae, inversions, etc., to affect soldiers’ feelings and emotional state. A thorough study of indoctrination documents allows the authors to suggest a set of necessary requirements for translators who work with leaflets and broadcast programs.
Keywords: special propaganda, leaflet, broadcast program, psychological influence, culture-specific language terms, literary figures of speech, verbal behavior, requirements for translation of indoctrination materials.
Difficulties in translating Russian particles into PersianMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2022. 4. p.47-58read more604
Оne of the most difficult problems when translating literary texts from Russian into Persian is to understand the meaning of Russian particles and find suitable equivalents. Particles are important elements of the text that concretize, separate and strengthen any words according to the author’s choice. The abundance of particles in Russian and the important role of particles in the expression of emotional-expressive shades of sentences on the one hand, and their small number and limited use in the Persian language on the other, creates serious problems in understanding their meaning, especially in translation. The concept of particles relates to different terms in the Persian language that do not adequately cover Russian particles, which determines the relevance of the work. In most cases, the Persians refer to Russian particles as untranslatable parts of speech that do not have a special, significant function. In this paper, the particle systems of the Russian and Persian languages are described by means of a comparative method and then a number of translations of some examples from Russian fiction into Persian are analyzed in order to identify difficulties faced by Iranian students and translators in understanding the meaning and translation of Russian particles. The authors show that the main difficulties faced by Iranian translators are the incorrect differentiation of particles from homonymic constructions, incorrect definition of a clear meaning of particles in a sentence, the inability to find a suitable translation equivalent or the inability to find a suitable equivalent in accordance with the semantics and style in the Persian language and reinterpretation of the meaning of particles.
Keywords: particle, semantic function, translation, Russian language, Persian language