Zhang Licheng
An overview of translation technology research in China (2014–2023): A visualization based on CiteSpaceMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2024. 3. p.13-30read more112
The research aims to reveal the development trends, hot topics, and future research directions of translation technology research in China. To achieve the identified aims, this article adopts bibliometric methods to systematically analyze translation technology research published in Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI) source journals during the period of 2014–2023. It has been found that Chinese scholars have shown a consistently high level of attention to the research into translation technologies; this research in China has formed a cooperative network of institutions centered on well-known foreign language universities; the main hotspots of the current research into translation technologies in China include “text corpus”, “machine translation”, “translator’s style”, “interpretation research”, and so on. Among them, corpus translation research is the most fruitful research direction. Most scholars conduct empirical research and translation style analyses with the help of the corpus technology. In addition, with the development of interdisciplinary research methods, the use of translation technologies to study the cognitive process of translation subjects is becoming an emerging trend; current research into translation technologies is characterized by unevenness. The disciplinary orientation of the field is more in favor of linguistics than computer science. Research results involving technical aspects are relatively few and mainly focus on a few core authors. These findings hint at the future trend of Chinese research in the field of translation technologies: first, to strengthen communication and cooperation with the international academic circle to promote the global sharing of knowledge and technology; second, to expand the diversity of research languages, which not only enriches the scope of application of translation technologies, but also enhances Chinese scholars’ discourse and influence in international academic exchanges. Through these measures, the overall balanced development of the research field of translation technologies can be effectively promoted, and more comprehensive and in-depth knowledge accumulation and technological innovation can be realized.Keywords: translation technology, translation studies in China, CiteSpace, visualized map of scientific knowledge, bibliometrics