Elena I. Seifert
Moscow State Linguistic University
The author’s intertextual and translation secondary outsidenessMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2024. 1. p.32-51read more221
Following the theory of the author’s outsideness of M.M. Bakhtin, the author of the article proposes to sin gle out two types of the author’s secondary outsideness: intertextual and translational. Secondary outsideness is the departure of the author from a foreign artistic world. The author first plunges into another artistic being, and then leaves it. Intertextual secondary outsideness (transgredient) is the author’s departure from the depicted real life and his/ her resistance, in the creative process, to the artistic world of another author as a world image, the pacification of this influencing world, in which s/he has gotten involved through his/her interest in it, by weakening his/her identity in it. Translational secondary outsideness (transgredient) is the departure of the author-translator with his/her own poetics from both the artistic being of the original and the reality behind it, recreating the identity of the original author on a foreign language soil with the help of a language equivalent in order to create a flickering text as “one’s own”/“alien”. The analysis of the author’s secondary outsideness allows one to reach the level of authenticity of the artistic world created under the influence of another, to see the author’s resistance to another artistic world or his/her dissolution in it.
Keywords: author’s outsideness, intertextual secondary outsideness, translation secondary outsideness, intertextuality, literary translation