Majid Estiri

Distance differences between the object and the locum in the prepositions у, около, при and под in comparison with their Persian correlatesMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2023. 3. p.72-91read more408
Different parts of speech, including prepositions, enter into synonymous relations. A number of spatial prepositions with the meaning of proximity are synonymous prepositions. Belonging to spatial relations and constituting a large group, in the language system of the Russian and Persian languages, these prepositions are typical and widely represented. To express spatial relations with the meaning of proximity, synonymous prepositions y, about, at and under are used, which are close and identical in meaning, but differ from each other in semantic features. The semantic proximity of the prepositions y, about, at and under and their Persian correlates with the meaning of proximity provokes a false identification and leads to errors in the use of these prepositions by Iranian Russian students while translation other prepositions as как недалеко от, возле with the meaning of proximity does not cause any difficulty for them. Also, at present only just, these prepositions with the meaning of proximity remain unlit for Iranian students, and they cannot concretize and distinguish between distance differences between the object and locum with the studied prepositions, which is due to the relevance of this study and the reason for the limitation of the research material. In addition, the difficulty of using these Russian prepositions by Iranian students is explained by the fact that all these prepositions can be expressed in Persian by the words نزديک (nazdik-e), کنار (kenar-e), پهلوی (pakhlu-ye), etc., denoting the proximity of the object to the locum, however, the semantic shade of the Persian equivalents does not reflect the distance differentiation between the object and the locum. The purpose of this article is to clarify the distance differentiations between the object and the locum with the prepositions y, about, at and under with the meaning of proximity in comparison with their Persian correlates, and also to determine the existing relationships between them. The results of the article can be used for Iranian students in order to minimize and neutralize their mistakes when using synonymous spatial prepositions y, near, at and under with the meaning of proximity.
Keywords: spatial prepositions, distance diff erentiations, locum, object, Russian and Persian languages