Ivanov Kirill S.
Cogniosemantics of the absent structure in metacodes and lexicodes of English cultureMoscow University Translation Studies Bulletin. 2020. 1. p.77-91read more952
This article is devoted to the study of cognitive semantics and semantic features of the missing structure. In the course of the study, a definition of the basic mechanism of the appearance, functioning and disappearance of the missing structure in the superconscious field is given. The significance of the transfer of metacodes and lexicodes through short-term self-destruction of a structure can be traced in the analysis of both literary text and various styles of speech. This significance is not represented by individual elements of the system (in a word, phrase, sentence, etc.), but by a constantly varying unit, however, different from an idiolect, where only numerous deviations do not allow an individual language to arise. This confirms the practical significance of the study: by revealing the most significant concepts that have a value aspect and releasing its conceptual content at the time of the formation of the missing structure, we can determine: the nature of compliance or non-compliance with linguistic norms (clarity, logic, accuracy, correctness of speech), the direction of argumentation, the specifics of thesauri of subjects of communicative interaction, as well as the presence or absence of lexical and semantic barriers to communication. It is also possible to trace the stylistic separation of the language vocabulary into the book and colloquial, as well as distinguish the categories of each, namely: for book vocabulary—terminological, poetic and category of historicisms, and for colloquial—colloquial, dialectic and phraseological. Having examined the tokens of the concept in this way, its entire value with respect to the historical period is revealed. Given the methodology of Umberto Eco, we combine the diachronic approach with the theory of local civilizations of Arnold J. Toynbee and the unconscious theory of Sigmund Freud, which allows us to connect the specifics of the appearance of the missing structure with the category of frames in cognitive linguistics.
Keywords: poetic text translation, deictics, reference, perception, concept, graduality